Payment methods

Acquiring an electric bike can pose challenges at checkout due to the high associated costs.

To make this process simple, we offer a variety of payment options, each with its own distinct benefits.

You will find details of each of them below: 


Mobility cards

To make your purchase with your mobility card, contact us.

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The immediate transfer combines the advantages of card payment and traditional transfer.

It is as easy to make as a card payment thanks to simple validation via your banking application.

Pay by immediate transfer avoids you the limitations linked to the ceiling of your card, which frequently leads to payment refusals.

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We accept all major credit and debit card providers, including Mastercard, Visa and American Express.

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3x/4x split payment is a solution with fees.

3x : Approximately 1,5% of the basket including tax
: Approximately 2% of the basket including tax

Everything is done via your bank card, no documents are required.

Your card must have an expiry date greater than the last due date.

franfipay credit logo
Our partner FRANFINANCE (general society) offers, in addition to 3x/4x, long credit payment 12/24/36/48x.
This payment solution is a credit, issued after a solvency study with a rate and interest, unlike the 3x/4x payment which is only a solution of ease of payment.
The APR is 9,9%, which gives a cost of credit that varies depending on the duration:

: Approximately 5% of the basket including tax
24x : Approximately 9% of the basket including tax
36x : Approximately 13% of the basket including tax
48x : Approximately 17% of the basket including tax

The advantage of FRANFINANCE is that the request is made in a few minutes and the response is delivered within 24/48 hours.